Friday, November 23, 2012

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Hello everyone! This is the last post for the English class. The topic is the challenge to learn a new language, a foreign language.
In my opinion, learn a new language is very complicated, because is usual that our parents talk one language. Also, we have an education since children where teach us speak Spanish; only in a few schools the education programs include other language. But not all the children have the opportunity, to assist bilingual schools.
For me is a big challenge learn a foreign language, in my life I had French and English class in the school and in the university I have English class. I think that the English is not difficult to learn, but know that any other language implicate dedication and study. I admit that I'm a little lazy in study for the English class, because the language don't like me very much, but I think that learn this language is very necessary for today, where many things is in this language,  for this is important learn English.
The English classes in the university are different than classes in the school, in the university we use other methods to learn the language like use the internet, for visit pages where we can practice the English, writing, reading and listening different things. One of the activities is write in a blog, where we can improve our writing, all the classes we must write one publication about different topics, using the vocabulary that we know. I think this activity is good idea to learn more vocabulary and write better.
I need improve many aspect for my English, the most difficult for me is speak in English, because is shameful, and the pronunciation is difficult for me. I think in practice this part and improve more and more.
I use little the English outside the classes, I translate some song or text. I never speak English with other persons.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Post 9 : My future Job

Hello everyone!
Today the topic is my future job, for me is very complicated speak about this, because I'm no sure about it.
Obviously I hope work some day, but is difficult for me, think about how will this experience. Also is difficult think in me, like an adult, with many responsibilities.
My first problem with job, is the little free time for do other activities. I think that the person who has a normal job, working all days in the week, monday to friday, since morning to evening, has a stressful life. I don´t want this for me life, I want have free time for my family,  my friends and for me. For this reason I think that have a normal job is a wrong decision for me.
I think in the possibility to develop my own project, without depend to the other person, working in things that like me, to establish my own hours to work.
If I had to work in something related with my career, I like have a job in the investigation area or in a museum. 
If I had to speak about my strengths and weaknesses, first would speak about the negative, I would say that I'm a person that not wants to do thing that don't like me. And my strength, I'm a committed person.
Yet, have a job isn't a topic very important for me and try to see this with other perspective. I'm sure in have a job that like me and not one that is an obligation. I don't want a stressful life, I want a life very happy and make thing that I enjoy, even if speak about jobs.
See you!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Post 8 : Ten Guilty Pleasures

Hello everyone! I write today about my guilty pleasures.
I think the guilty pleasures are the things that all make feeling guilty or shame, and anybody want that other people know this.
I have not many guilty pleasures, I don't feel ashamed for the most of things that I do. I suppose that the opinion to the other people is not important for me.
Moreover, I agree that feel guilt or shame for own actions are something imposed for the religion and culture, and I try to take distance to this imposition, because I think that the people not must feel limited for dogmas.
One thing that makes me feel guilty is listen some music like Belanova, is some funny for me because I listen this music only when I stay alone.
The music to this singer is very bad! I don't know why like me! Is very strange. The themes of her songs are very absurd, are like listen speak to a woman very silly, that only want in her life is find to the "prince charming" and get married with him. For me this is very ridiculous.
Well, this is my guilty pleasure, is very funny! You can laugh of me.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Post 6 : Your favourite artist

The topic for today is our favorite artist, is very interesting, but is difficult for me because choose only one artist, because I like many artists some very different, different periods and styles.

One of the artists that I like is Marcel Duchamp, he was a french artist, he comes from a family where a lot of integrants chose to be artist.
Duchamp developed his work in the twenty century and was related with artistic movement like a cubism and dada, but is difficult to inscribe this artist in only style, because him work is very wide and different.

One of my favorite work, is a painting called Nude descending the staircase No.2, this painting is considered one of the most bold and smart to the twenty century. This appreciation is that Duchamp sought to represent the movement, but a sequenced movement that giving the impression to the temporal course of events, this is some that had not been seen before in painting, moreover this work had influence to the chronophotography.

The representation to the movement is sometime that Duchamp reiterates and mark their works  Today this painting is in the Philadelphia Museum, institution that has most of the work of Duchamp.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Post 5 : A Career-related Article

Well today I must choose an article published in some newspaper, I choose to a article about to Japanese photographer called Daido Moriyama, published in The Guardian and written by Sarah Phillips.
I liked this article because its principal topic is the photography, I always have been interested in this type of work. Moreover, the formation of this photographer was self-taught, this want to say that he learn alone to take photographs, for this reason he said: "Take as many photographs you can: it's the only way to train your eyes, body and emotions".
The photographs to Moriyama was taken in the street, in different cities that he visited,  for this reason him work have a natural stile. In the article the photographer show us that the most example about he work is "Stray dog".                                                        
Too have another type of work, in the article speak about the photographs taken to the legs of women using tights, and other images of the women's lips. Moriyama explain that this type of scenes have a erotically charged.
A example about the most erotic photograph is How to create a beautiful picture 6: Tighs in Shimotakaido, in this photo we can see a body, specifically a legs with tights, is a photo takes very near and present us a body that almost can touch, is for this, that Moriyama believe that this photo is erotic.
Finally,  the photography is very interesting for me, is for that I choose this article.
These are the web page:,show,3,18,28,0,0,0,0,0,daido_moriyama_.html

Friday, September 14, 2012

Post 3: Unforgettable holidays

I want have holidays soon! (summer holidays). I think that all the holidays are good because all wanted enjoy.
The past holidays, in february I travel to Argentina and Uruguay, I worked all the weekends in the year for pay this trip and think that this was a good decision.I went with my boyfriend and stayed far to home for a month approximately.
The reason why these holidays are good, is because knew new places, go to Buenos Aires and the beach in Uruguay, all are places very beautiful. Visit many places such as museum, parks, beach and much more.
I like to travel again there, but I hope in this holiday know the south of Chile or  travel to Bolivia and Perú, always I want know these places, so repeat the trip will be another time.
My holidays always been entertaining, before going to the beach with my family, my cousins and my grandparents, we played a lot and really enjoyed it.
In this photo I'm on a beach of Piriapolis in Uruguay.

Post 2: Social media

Hello everyone, today I write about social media. First, must say that I'm not a technological person, for this reason sometime is difficult use this website and I don't like me very much this type of things.
I have a facebook page, use this site for speak with friends and family, I don't have twitter or other pages. I think that all this websites are good idea, but I'm not convinced, because make that the people to go away more and more and speak through a computer or cellphone, this is a little boring for me.
I think that is recommend share no much information in the social media, because aren't safe places. All said that is very dangerous published direction, numbers and personal information, because all can see this. I published little information and share with some people and I don't like up photos or videos because think that is something private. Moreover, stay very time front the computer is not interesting.
Well, later read this post you can understand that the social media don't like me very much!

Bye bye!