Friday, November 23, 2012

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Hello everyone! This is the last post for the English class. The topic is the challenge to learn a new language, a foreign language.
In my opinion, learn a new language is very complicated, because is usual that our parents talk one language. Also, we have an education since children where teach us speak Spanish; only in a few schools the education programs include other language. But not all the children have the opportunity, to assist bilingual schools.
For me is a big challenge learn a foreign language, in my life I had French and English class in the school and in the university I have English class. I think that the English is not difficult to learn, but know that any other language implicate dedication and study. I admit that I'm a little lazy in study for the English class, because the language don't like me very much, but I think that learn this language is very necessary for today, where many things is in this language,  for this is important learn English.
The English classes in the university are different than classes in the school, in the university we use other methods to learn the language like use the internet, for visit pages where we can practice the English, writing, reading and listening different things. One of the activities is write in a blog, where we can improve our writing, all the classes we must write one publication about different topics, using the vocabulary that we know. I think this activity is good idea to learn more vocabulary and write better.
I need improve many aspect for my English, the most difficult for me is speak in English, because is shameful, and the pronunciation is difficult for me. I think in practice this part and improve more and more.
I use little the English outside the classes, I translate some song or text. I never speak English with other persons.


1 comment:

  1. It's true that maybe in school english is most boring because of the methods, I hated it in school.
