Friday, June 29, 2012

A free topic!

I found an article with information about Buenos Aires in the BBC page, has some details about the city, its neighborhoods and its present economy.
I elected this article because Buenos Aires is a city that I really like, also I was there on holiday and I stayed for a month, approximately.
As mentioned in this article one of things that I like, is the architecture, because exist a lot of old buildings and walk closely of this departments was as like living in other time.
Buenos Aires is a city very pretty, large and pleasant.  There are many places to go, museums, restaurants, cinema, shops and square. These places are very nice and everyone, tourist and Argentinean people, enjoy them.
Something that I really liked were the fairs, are made by generally in the weekend and sold a lot of things like a books, antiques, cloth and food.  Too, many people play music and showed different shows.
I think that Buenos aires is a good place to know and too to live, I would like some day live in this city.
I hope this article be interesting for you.
This is the web page:

English learning...

A lot of time that I didn't have english classes, since the school! Is for this, that the english class in the university have been a great opportunity for learn more about english. There a lot of things that I didn't remember as words and pronunciation.
I think that is very important learn English, because today a lot of books are written in that language, sometime to work is necessary know english and can serve in the case that travel to a place where speaking English.
Personally I would like that the teacher taught us the conjugation of verbs, because for me it is very difficult to remember the different ways in which verbs are written. As well is necessary learning more vocabulary for use different words when we write or speak.
This experience in the English class was useful and I did make new tasks, like a oral presentation and write in a blog.
The only thing that I don't like about the english class is the timetable, is very early! And as I like sleep and live very far to the university was complicated and difficult arrive at time.
See you!

Friday, June 15, 2012

What is the beauty?

Today I must be see a video called "Darwinian theory of beauty" by Denis Dutton. I found it interesting but the exposer told a little slow and it was boring.  He told about beauty and relation with the theory of evolution, for him the concept of beauty is not a culture condition is more like something it’s deep in ours mind is been there from a long time ago. Some of the things that he expose make me sense, because for me the idea of beauty is a culture construction that’s mean we need a formation from childhood, and for that we need a lots of time.
I think that own idea of beauty is very simple to explain, because we live in a society that introduces concept and definitions about what is common, one of this concept is the beauty.
When the exposer told about arts, he may be reference to classic art piece of arts like Leonardo or Miguel Angel, because he considered that beautiful arts is only well done paintings. In this way, he forgot the modern art because this style many times uses technical than a superficial look seems weir, but the expert of art although common people appreciated their beautiful.

Even when I don’t share his opinion, I considered interesting what he proposed.

See you!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Well, I think that Frank Warren's idea is original, this video is very interesting. I'm surprised because is very strange for me that one person collected secrets and other people share secrets with him, a stranger.
The web page created by Frank, is a tool for the people. They can used this web page to find object lost o just for see secrets.
The messages in a postcards are very different, some secrets are sad, funny or adorable.As Frank said, the mesagge reflected who write that.
The one things that scared me is that people shared their secrets with a stranger because they are alone persons. I hope, I'm wrong.
Also, is interesting the web page created by Matty, where he published pictures of people who lost their cameras. In this page they can recovery at least their photos.

See you next class!